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A picture of an image with the words " exagerbate from within it lies."

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results. For a generation, after generation, after generation, our Nation has allowed most of its inhabitants to wallow in poverty while a few others dance in excess. This has led to murder…Watch the Mutation in “Exacerbate; From Victim to Killer” by Aasia Gale Stormm

A back cover of the book, " dangerous from within killer."
A logo of barnes and noble

Light in the Darkest Hours is Ms. Stormm’s first book; the one she screamed her way through writing. A million tears went into this book so, she did a wrap up much sooner than desired to be embraced by the first phase of the breakthrough that publishing her pain gave her. Now that she has finally healed from the devastation, it’s time to rewrite the book. Coming Soon, “Light in the Darkest Hours 2” a riveting view behind the dark walls of grieving over the murder of an innocent Baby into the light of breakthrough that comes from the pursuit of Justice…

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A logo of barnes and noble

Homeless, lost, devastated humans searching trash cans for food, sleeping on bare sidewalks with no place safe to lay their heads, being passed over as abled people ignore their struggle. Then everything changes; Food is plentiful, Love is abounding, Joy is never-ending right here on earth…In comes “The Revival” A book by Aasia Stormm

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A logo of barnes and noble

The Holy Bible speaks much on the good promises of God for children, but then some promises don’t seem so good: Children can go astray which can be a terrible burden to bear, but then again, children are always a blessing, especially when caregivers raise them with discipline and kindness. The result can be an earlier heaven. Ms. Stormm shares Biblical Wisdom that God-loving people will adore… Coming Soon “Rearing A Godly Child” by Aasia Stormm

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A logo of barnes and noble

My heart is inviting a good matter. I write the things concerning the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. When trouble and despair filled my heart and mind as a young married mother of four children who are all now in their thirties the Presence of the Lord gently swept in as a calm wind blowing as I sat by a window in a log cabin on My heart is inviting a good matter. I write the things concerning the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. When trouble and despair filled my heart and mind as a young married mother of four children who are all now in their thirties the Presence of the Lord gently swept in as a calm wind blew as I sat by a window in a log cabin on an intecessory prayer retreat.  The moonlight off of the pond surround me as the evening sun went down and the warmth I sensed caused me to begin to write.  The joy and peace that flooded every fiber of my being caused a release of the pain shame loneliness and despair and exchanged it for the peace that passes all understanding that yet keeps my heart and mind through the love of Christ Jesus. I begin to write a poem of peace and tranquility to come to the presence of the Lord and find the strength grace and mercy to let go of the heaviness of my heart and receive the love and peace of The Father who loves me and imparted to me peace that I in His joy may impart to others who need the same. 

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A logo of barnes and noble

I’m forty-one years old and I go by the nickname Kasha. I’m an author and mother of two kids, a boy, twenty-four, and a girl, eighteen years of age. I’m from a small town, Marion. Alabama, but now live in Birmingham Alabama. I have earned an associate degree in business administration from Lawson Community College in Birmingham, Alabama; I have earned a second associate’s degree in business office management from Shelton College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and a third associate’s degree in Paralegal at Shelton College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I
am currently attending Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama, in where I’ll be receiving a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in the fall of 2022. I have gone through real and true pain
that had threatened to ruin the very fabric of who I once thought I was. It greatly impacted my way of thinking as to now making wise choices and decisions as well as flourishing my maturity.
My suffering was a moment of reflection of who I was becoming. My identity did not agree with my situation of course because you did not look at me and see insecurity and shame, but instead
attractiveness, sexiness, confidence, and friendliness. God allowed those circumstances to change me. I became who I am today by making a conscious decision not to allow past circumstances to follow me. God is using my past circumstances to help someone else in the same area where I am now clean. I walked through my hardest season with courage, grace, faith,

and unwavering love for myself. In the middle of pain, I stood strong to the deep disappointments in my life. I’ve walked through one of the lowest places on earth (prison) to be equipped to live out one of God’s promises. He secured my steps. I’ve planned to use this experience to improve
the lives of others and to know when to choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret.

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