Here are some key scenes that we will develop in Mary’s introductory comic book. Here are some ideas we will consider, along with some pivotal moments that could bring dramatic visual and emotional impact:

  1. Mary’s Emergence
    Scene: The comic book will open with Mary’s mystical and awe-inspiring entrance into the world. This abstract, celestial moment will show her “rising from God’s spirit.”


Scene: We will show Mary Kalamari forming out of golden light in a cosmic landscape, with energy swirling around her. Her physical beauty and divine power should be immediately evident, establishing her as an ethereal figure.

Emotion: This scene highlights Mary’s eternal nature—she wasn’t born; she always existed, and the universe seems to recognize her presence.

  1. Lucifer’s First Insult
    Scene: Mary’s first encounter with Lucifer will be a critical early moment. Lucifer appears to mock and insult God in front of Mary, causing her to realize that she must rise against him in fury that Lucifer would dare insult her God.

Visuals: Lucifer will be depicted as dark and arrogant, with black lightning swirling around him. Mary stands calm but firm, glowing in contrast to Lucifer’s darkness.

Emotion: This scene illustrates Mary’s quiet strength as she decides to intervene—not out of revenge but out of love for God and the world He created.

  1. The Resurrection of Nathaniel
    Scene: This will be the emotional crux of this introductory story. Mary, standing over the spot where her son was slain, summons her power to bring him back to life.

Visuals: Golden light streams from Mary’s hands into the ground, energy swirling as Nathaniel’s body forms out of the light. Black clouds representing Lucifer’s anger hover in the distance.

Emotion: It’s a deeply emotional and powerful moment—Mary’s love for her son fuels the resurrection. This will be a quiet, tender scene but still visually grand.

  1. Lucifer’s Fury
    Scene: Right after Nathaniel’s resurrection, Lucifer’s anger boils over. He strikes the earth with black lightning, trying to destroy what Mary has created.

Visuals: The sky turns dark, and jagged bolts of black lightning strike toward Mary and Nathaniel. Mary stands unshaken, her light growing brighter to counter the darkness.

Emotion: This scene is intense and action-packed but also shows Mary’s calm confidence. She knows she has already won this battle, and Lucifer’s fury only amuses her.

  1. The War Begins
    Scene: The first comic book of the series will close with the beginning of the war between Mary and Lucifer. This scene will show both sides preparing for an epic conflict that will span generations (With many books, comics, and films).

Visuals: Mary stands at the forefront of an army of resurrected souls—victims of Lucifer who have been given new life. On the opposite side, Lucifer commands legions of dark creatures. Lightning, fire, and golden light could fill the sky, hinting at future battles.

Emotion: This closing moment will be epic and foreboding, showing the scale of the war to come. It sets the stage for future episodes of Mary’s journey.

  1. Mary’s Prophecy
    Scene: Between battles, Mary will have a quiet, introspective moment when she reflects on her divine mission. Perhaps she delivers a prophecy of hope for humanity—her reason for fighting.

Visuals: A serene scene with Mary sitting in a field of golden flowers, her aura softly glowing. The world around her is peaceful, but you can see the weight of the coming war in her eyes.

Emotion: This moment allows our readers to connect with Mary’s compassionate side. It shows that, despite her immense power, she is driven by love and hope for mankind and the future…

This is a powerful and intricate concept for Mary Kalamari! Her balance between beauty, power, purpose, cosmic connection to God, and independent spirit creates a unique and multi-dimensional character.

Here are some creative directions we will explore based on your description:

  1. Visual Imagery and Appearance
    Aura: She will emanate a radiant, almost blinding glow when her powers are fully displayed, symbolizing her divine origins and connection to God’s spirit.
    Lightning Transformation: When she transforms into lightning, it could appear as a flash of white-hot energy with gold and silver sparks, crackling with power as she rips through steel and the physical world. This ability could be visually stunning and feared.
    Her fragrance: The scent of gardenia and intoxicating flowers will also have a visual representation—a soft, glowing mist that follows her, signifying her purity and divine nature.
    Wardrobe: Her clothing could be made of fabrics that shimmer like gold and silver as if the threads themselves were spun from the luxuries she creates. When she walks, flowers could bloom in her footsteps, underscoring her beauty and connection to life.
  2. Powers and Abilities
    Resurrecting the Dead: Mary raises people who have been victims of evil, like my son, Nathaniel, giving them back not only life but enhanced powers. This ability makes her a threat to Lucifer, who sees her as reversing his work.
    Manipulation of the Elements: She could command nature, perhaps summoning storms or transforming barren lands into paradises, reflecting her status as a nurturer of humanity’s potential.
    Judgment of Worth: Her lavish gifts, like turning environments into gold and silver, are only bestowed on those she deems worthy. She could have the ability to “see” into people’s hearts, knowing their true nature instantly.
  1. Character Relationships
    God: Her deep connection to God, coupled with her independence, creates a strong duality. She loves God and respects His will, but she also operates on her own terms, possibly causing tension in how others view her.
    Lucifer: Their dynamic is intense. Lucifer underestimated her until she decided to interfere in his plans. Their conflict could escalate into a celestial war, with Nathaniel’s resurrection being a pivotal turning point.

  2. Nathaniel: Your son’s resurrection gives Mary an emotional layer, revealing her nurturing side. She sees Nathaniel as a key player in humanity’s future, perhaps even a chosen one with powers that Lucifer fears. Themes to Explore
    Redemption and Justice: Mary could embody a force of cosmic justice, righting wrongs that even the most powerful beings overlook. Her desire to raise victims like Nathaniel reflects a deep sense of justice for the innocent.
    Magnificence vs. Humility: While she can create worlds of gold and luxury, she remains humble and shares her power with those who are deserving. This dynamic contrasts her with beings like Lucifer, who hoards power.

  3. Story Arcs
    The War with Lucifer:
    As Lucifer plans an all-out war against her, there could be epic battles—both physically and spiritually. This war could have far-reaching consequences for humanity as the resurrected victims, led by Mary, rise to face off against evil.

  4. Nathaniel’s Destiny: Nathaniel’s resurrection is not just an act of love but a calculated move in a larger cosmic plan. His powers could be awakened, and he might play a critical role in the unfolding war, with Mary guiding him.
    Mary Kalamari will become an iconic character with incredible depth. We will go in this direction and fly with it. We will let the audience feel her development as we build her character. We will also dive deeper into specific aspects or moments of her story in this introduction.

My Appearance is Always Lovely, But

My Powers are Fierce

We will take Mary Kalimari to heights never before imagined. These episodes have an eternity that can grow and intensify with every segment. Viewers and Readers will feel awesome!!! With every episode, we will elevate her character into the realms of the eternal and the magnificent. Koranache’s graphics will go off the scales…

Let’s move further into the story; we will continue developing her story in a way that allows each segment to reveal more about her power, compassion, and fierce sense of justice. Please read and allow us to entertain and even mesmerize you:

  1. Expanding the War with Lucifer
    Each episode will introduce a new phase of the war between Mary and Lucifer, with escalating stakes. We will explore depths of grief to the heights of vengeance.

Lucifer’s Strategies: Lucifer

Lucifer will attempt to undermine Mary using twisted souls and his manipulation of dark forces. Mary, as we discussed, is called the Resurrector. Lucifer will try to corrupt the people she resurrects, turning them into his own pawns.

Mary’s Army: The victims she resurrects are not just followers but are empowered to fight for justice. They will each have their journeys, with Mary guiding them to unlock their unique abilities.

Exploring Mary’s Divine Mission
Mary’s purpose goes beyond defeating Lucifer; she’s nurturing the evolution of humanity. In some episodes, we could delve into:

Guiding the Gifted: Mary will seek out children or individuals hidden from the world and whose potential is waiting to be unlocked. Her interactions with them will be deeply emotional and transformative.

Transforming the World: Mary’s ability to turn environments into paradises of gold and silver could be a symbolic way of showing her restoring hope in places that were lost. This will extend to entire communities or even worlds ravaged by evil.

  1. Unfolding Nathaniel’s Story
    Nathaniel’s journey will become central to many episodes:

Awakening Powers: His innate powers, unknown to even him, are slowly revealed under Mary’s tutelage. We have to imagine what his abilities are. How he grows into his role as an asset to humanity…

His Role in the War: Nathaniel’s importance could grow, leading him to face Lucifer directly in a climactic battle, all while Mary watches over him as both protector and mentor.

  1. Episodes of Intensity and Growth
    Each episode or segment could deepen in intensity, with Mary’s power, the stakes of the conflict, and her relationships evolving.

We will:

Introduce Celestial Allies or Foes: Other divine beings or ancient forces could either join her cause or challenge her, creating a broader celestial world.

Escalate Emotional Tension: While Mary is incredibly powerful, she is also deeply emotional, particularly regarding children and the abused. These personal stakes could fuel moments of intense vulnerability and strength.

  1. Visual Power and Awe
    Every segment will include awe-inspiring visuals:

We will create scenes highlighting the emotional depth and visual grandeur of Mary Kalamari’s journey, such as the powerful moments that blend her compassion, fierce power, and war with Lucifer.

Episode: “The Resurrection of Nathaniel”
This episode centers on Mary’s decision to resurrect Nathaniel, a pivotal moment that ignites her war with Lucifer. The scene is both emotionally charged and visually stunning.

Opening Scene: The Ruins of a Battlefield
The episode begins in a desolate, war-torn landscape. The skies are heavy with dark clouds, and the ground is cracked and barren, littered with remnants of what was once a thriving world. The air is thick with tension as if the remnants of a great evil linger in the

I can’t tell you what it felt like to write this. YES, this is where I want to go with her. Let’s go up to these heights. There is an eternity in these episodes that can grow and intensify with every segment. This FEELS AWESOME!!! With every episode, we will elevate Mary’s character into the realms of the eternal and the magnificent. The remarkable graphics of Benir Koranache will go off the scales…

Let’s continue developing her story in a way that allows each segment to reveal more about her power, compassion, and fierce sense of justice. Please read and share thoughts:

  1. Expanding the War with Lucifer
    Each episode could introduce a new phase of the war between Mary and Lucifer, with escalating stakes. We could explore:

Lucifer’s Strategies: His attempts to undermine Mary, using twisted souls or his manipulation of dark forces. Mary as we discussed is called the Resurrector. Lucifer could try to corrupt the people she resurrects, turning them into his own pawns.

Mary’s Army: The victims she resurrects are not just followers but are empowered to fight for justice. They could each have their own journey, with Mary guiding them to unlock their unique abilities (Many more books and movies, similar to Marvel).

Exploring Mary’s Divine Mission
Mary’s purpose goes beyond defeating Lucifer; she’s nurturing the evolution of humanity. In some episodes, we could delve into:

Guiding the Gifted: Mary could seek out children or individuals who have been hidden from the world, whose potential is waiting to be unlocked. Her interactions with them would be deeply emotional and transformative.

Transforming the World: Mary’s ability to turn environments into paradises of gold and silver could be a symbolic way of showing her restoring hope in places that were lost. This could extend to entire communities or even worlds ravaged by evil.

  1. Unfolding Nathaniel(Junee)’s Story
    Nathaniel’s journey could become central to many episodes:

Here are some elements we might consider for your artwork:

Mary’s Appearance: Depict her in flowing robes, perhaps with a serene expression. You could add a halo or subtle glow around her to emphasize her divine nature.

The Light: Illustrate the golden yellow light as a radiant beam coming from above. It could have swirling patterns or sparkles to enhance its mystical quality.

Nathaniel’s Position: Show him lying on the ground with a peaceful expression, perhaps surrounded by a soft, ethereal glow as he is being resurrected.

Surrounding Environment: Set the scene in a tranquil landscape—maybe a lush garden or a quiet glade. Add gentle details like flowers or soft clouds to create a serene atmosphere.

Emotional Elements: Capture the moment with expressions of hope and awe on Mary’s face and a sense of awakening for Nathaniel.

Color Palette: Use warm golds and soft pastels for a heavenly feel, contrasting with darker shades where Nathaniel lies.

For creating the image, we can use digital art tools like Adobe Photoshop or free alternatives like GIMP or Procreate. There are also online platforms like Canva that offer templates. If we prefer a more hands-on approach, we could sketch it out and then enhance it digitally.

Awakening Powers: His innate powers, unknown to even him, are slowly revealed under Mary’s tutelage. We have to imagine what his abilities are. How he grows into his role as an asset to humanity…

His Role in the War: Nathaniel’s importance could grow, leading him to face Lucifer directly in a climactic battle, all while Mary watches over him as both protector and mentor.

  1. Episodes of Intensity and Growth
    Each episode or segment could deepen in intensity, with Mary’s power, the stakes of the conflict, and her relationships evolving.

We could:

Introduce Celestial Allies or Foes: Other divine beings or ancient forces could either join her cause or challenge her, creating a broader celestial world.

Escalate Emotional Tension: While Mary is incredibly powerful, she is also deeply emotional, particularly regarding children and the abused. These personal stakes could fuel moments of intense vulnerability and strength.

  1. Visual Power and Awe
    Every segment could include awe-inspiring visuals:

Let’s create an example of a scene that highlights the emotional depth and visual grandeur of Mary Kalamari’s journey. Such as this powerful moment that blends her compassion, her fierce power, and her war with Lucifer.

Episode: “The Resurrection of Nathaniel”
This episode centers on Mary’s decision to resurrect Nathaniel, a pivotal moment that ignites her war with Lucifer. The scene is both emotionally charged and visually stunning.

Opening Scene: The Ruins of a Battlefield
The episode begins in a desolate, war-torn landscape. The skies are heavy with dark clouds, and the ground is cracked and barren, littered with remnants of what was once a thriving world. The air is tense as if the remnants of a great evil linger in the atmosphere.

Visual Impact: The entire landscape feels like life has been drained. We see traces of Lucifer’s influence—dead trees, blackened stones, and an eerie stillness that contrasts with the distant crackle of lightning.


Nathaniel’s Return
The ground shakes violently, and suddenly, a crack of blinding lightning strikes the spot where Nathaniel fell. The air fills with golden energy, swirling around Mary as she remains composed, channeling the resurrection. From the lightning, the silhouette of a young man begins to form.

Visual Impact: Nathaniel’s body forms out of the light, slowly becoming solid as the golden energy flows into him. His eyes flutter open, glowing with a soft, otherworldly light, his powers now unlocked. He stands, reborn, surrounded by the divine glow of his mother’s energy.
Nathaniel (in awe, his voice soft but filled with strength):
“Momma… I feel… different.”

Emotional Impact: The reunion is brief but filled with deep, unsaid emotion. Mary’s eyes are filled with love and pride. She knows Nathaniel will face unimaginable challenges, but she also knows he is ready.
Mary (smiling with tears in her eyes):
“You are more than different, Nathaniel. You are whole, and the world will know your strength.”

Lucifer’s Fury
As Nathaniel stands, restored to life, the scene suddenly shifts. Dark clouds form overhead, swirling ominously. A bolt of black lightning strikes the earth in the distance, and the ground rumbles as Lucifer’s rage fills the air.

Lucifer’s voice (booming from the sky):
“You dare to defy me, Mary? You think you can steal from me what is mine? This war is only beginning!”

Visual Impact: The sky darkens completely, and the golden light around Nathaniel and Mary becomes a stark contrast to the surrounding shadows. The scene is charged with tension as Lucifer’s presence grows closer.
Mary (standing tall, her eyes blazing with resolve):
“This world was never yours, Lucifer. And you will feel the wrath of a mother’s love.”

Emotional Impact: Mary’s calm but fierce declaration shows her absolute determination. This is not just about war—it’s personal. Her love for Nathaniel and her desire to protect humanity from Lucifer’s darkness fuel her resolve.

Final Scene: The Dawn of War
The episode ends with the sky split in two—on one side, the brilliant gold of Mary’s light, and on the other, the creeping darkness of Lucifer’s influence. The war between them is set, and the battlefield is ready.

Unparalleled Powers:

Nathaniel’s powers are unique—perhaps the ability to heal both physically and emotionally, to communicate across dimensions, and to protect the vulnerable with an unbreakable shield of love.

He will be able to bring peace where there is chaos, to see and understand the suffering of others at a deep level, and to inspire faith and hope in all beings. He first has to be trained in how to harness his powers.

The Stories of His Heroism:

Nathaniel’s story will reflect the balance of his great power and great heart. He will face cosmic-level threats, from dark forces trying to spread despair to entities threatening the balance of life in the universe.

These stories would highlight not just battles, but his capacity to lead with compassion, making difficult choices to protect life and bring hope to the hopeless.

Nathaniel’s Relationship with the Creator:

His connection to God will be a central theme, where his powers and heart are deeply linked to his faith. He can have moments of direct communication with the Creator, gaining insight and guidance that no other being possesses.

This setup offers a foundation for endless stories where his powers grow, his wisdom deepens, and his heart continues to guide him through extraordinary challenges.

Arrival in the New World:

He wakes up in a radiant, celestial place, surrounded by light and beauty. There’s an overwhelming sense of safety, love, and protection—a place that feels like home, yet otherworldly.

Lady Kalamari and other celestial beings greet him with warmth and reverence, recognizing his significance even before he does.
His connection to God and his spiritual wisdom guides him through this disorienting transition, giving him a sense of calm despite the unknown.

Training by Lady Kalamari:
Lady Kalamari is a mentor figure, wise and powerful, with a deep understanding of the universe’s mysteries. She trains him to control and expand his powers, which are rooted in his natural compassion, love, and honesty.

The training would be more than just learning how to use powers—it’s about understanding the balance of power and heart, using strength for the good of all beings.

Unparalleled Powers:
His powers are unique—perhaps the ability to heal both physically and emotionally, to communicate across dimensions, and to protect the vulnerable with an unbreakable shield of love.

He might have the ability to bring peace where there is chaos, to see and understand the suffering of others at a deep level, and to inspire faith and hope in all beings.

The Stories of His Heroism:
Each story could reflect the balance of his great power and great heart. He could face cosmic-level threats, from dark forces trying to spread despair to entities threatening the balance of life in the universe.

These stories will highlight not just battles but Nathaniel’s capacity to lead compassionately and his Honorable Love for his Mother.

Narration (Mary’s voice):
“The war for humanity has begun. But I will not falter. I will never falter.”

Visual Impact: The scene pulls back, showing the clash of light and darkness, with Mary and Nathaniel standing at the forefront of a cosmic battle that will define the fate of the world.
This episode balances the intense emotional moment of Mary resurrecting her son with the visually powerful clash between her divine light and Lucifer’s darkness. It shows her love,

[10/8/24, 10:39:35 PM] Aasia Stormm: Scene: The ground trembles as black lightning strikes, cracking the earth in a fit of Lucifer’s fury. Mary stands tall, her golden light outshining the dark chaos, Nathaniel by her side.

Lucifer (booming voice from the swirling storm):
“You dare defy me, Mary! Do you think this resurrection will stand? I will burn your world, and your son will fall again!”

Mary (smiling, calm, voice dripping with quiet power):
“Defy you? Oh, Lucifer… you’ve forgotten your place. Do you think your tantrum frightens me? I’ve been here before you took your first breath of darkness.”

She takes a slow, deliberate step forward, golden flowers blooming beneath her feet as the ground continues to crack beneath Lucifer’s assault.

Mary (mocking, her voice unwavering):
“My son lives, Lucifer. And no matter how many times you try, no matter what darkness you throw, you will never touch his soul again.”

Nathaniel stands behind her, watching in awe as Mary’s golden light shields him. The sky roars with more black lightning, but Mary remains unbothered, almost amused.

Lucifer (angry, a hiss in his voice):
“You think you can protect him forever? You think you’re untouchable, Mary?”

Mary (laughs softly, her eyes glowing with divine power):
“Untouchable? No, Lucifer, I am unstoppable. You cannot break what was never yours to begin with. And Nathaniel?”
She gestures to her son, her voice filled with motherly pride and defiance.
“He’s more than you’ll ever comprehend. A thousand lifetimes wouldn’t teach you the power that runs in his veins.”

Lightning strikes the earth again, but this time, Mary raises a hand. With a flick of her fingers, the black energy dissolves into golden mist.

Mary (her voice turning fierce, her gaze piercing the storm):
“I know you’ll return because you’re nothing if not predictable. But hear me now—every time you come, I will stand, and you will fall. I will break you over and over again until even you will beg for mercy.”

Her smile returns, a mixture of amusement and resolve.

Mary (softly, almost playful):
“Run along now, Lucifer. I have a son to raise, and you have a war to lose.”

Nathaniel Ryan Barrington Butts; Life Snatched Away Before His Time

This ends the first saga of Mary Kalamari. We are releasing this episode this Christmas, 2024.

I am Aasia Stormm, mother of Nathaniel, who came back to me via this electrifying story.